Monday, November 21, 2005

Japanese film, TKO HIP HOP.
Directed by Junji Hanedo.
The website is now active. Not sure about this. Looks like a comedy, but I've read that it is a drama based on a manga. It could be really stupid or it could be a laugh. Who knows. Whatever it is, it definitely looks like an oddity. Was released in Japan on the 1st of October. Not the kind of film that will get a distribution overseas, so I guess we'll have to wait for a DVD release. Provided it's any good of course. The trailer indicates that even though it's supposed to be about the underground scene, it looks incredibly flashy. Limousines, fur coats, nightclubs that kind of vibe. Music by Corn Head, DJ Amekan, Dangerous Original, Anarchy, Ryuzo, Dabo, Typewriter, etc...

TKO website
Link: TKO HIP HOP - Trailer
Link: Soundtrack available here - HMV Japan

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